Student News

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Middle East Studies

The Institute for Middle East Studies (IMES) at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs invites applications for the position of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Middle East Studies. Fellows may come from any discipline in the social sciences or humanities, as long as their primary substantive specialization is in the Middle East/North Africa (to include Iran and Turkey). Candidates should receive their Ph.D. on or before September 1 of the fellowship year, and must be in
residence at IMES for the duration of the fellowship period (September 1 – May 31). Fellows are expected to take an active part in the intellectual life of the institute, including giving a research presentation and attending other institute events. This position offers a salary of $45,000, medical benefits, access to the GW library system, a computer, and office space. The fellow may also be invited to teach an M.A. level course at the Elliott School in an area related to his/her research.

To Apply: The candidate is required to submit the following materials in PDF format to

– CV (not to exceed 2 pages)
– Statement of Research (not to exceed 1,000 words)
– Writing Sample (an article or a chapter of the dissertation)
– Three letters of recommendation

Deadline: For full consideration, please submit the complete application by January 31, 2015. The successful candidate will be notified via email by 1 March, 2015.

Scholars from the University of Haifa

The Center for Judaic Studies & Contemporary Jewish Life and the Doris and Simon Konover Chair of Judaic Studies and the Office of Global Affairs at the University of Connecticut will be co-sponsoring a series of public lectures, research seminars, classroom visits, and community events during the week of September 2 through September 7, introducing the research and studies of Dr. Efraim Lev and Dr. Moshe Lavee, co-directors of the University of Haifa’s Interdisciplinary Center for the Broader Application of Genizah Research, a research institute that is investigating way to use newly available digital technologies to foster wider and more diverse study of the extraordinary historical archives of the Cairo Genizah.  Read the  2014 UHaifa Project Press Release

Middle East Research Fellowships 2014-2015

The Middle East Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School is now accepting applications for the Middle East Research Fellowship Program for the academic year 2014-2015.

The Middle East Research Fellowship Program offers one year pre- and post-doctoral fellowships for research related to Middle Eastern governance and public policy. All fellowships carry a stipend. Fellows range from recent recipients of the Ph.D. or equivalent degree, to university faculty members, to employees of government, international, humanitarian, and private research institutions with significant professional experience. Applicants for pre-doctoral fellowships must have passed general examinations prior to appointment. We welcome applications from political scientists, historians, economists, sociologists, legal scholars, and other social scientists, as well as from policy practitioners. We also encourage applications from women, minorities, and citizens of all countries.

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Civil Society Scholar Award

The Civil Society Scholar Awards support international academic mobility to enable doctoral students and university faculty to access resources essential to their professional development as a scholar, teacher, or public intellectual. The awards support innovative projects that will enrich research, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and help build international networks.

Doctoral students of eligible fields studying at accredited universities inside or outside of their home country, and full-time faculty members (master’s degree required) teaching at universities in their home country, who are citizens of the following countries, are eligible to apply: Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kosovo, Laos, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Palestine, Serbia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

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Call for Applications: APSA MENA Workshop in Amman, Jordan

The American Political Science Association (APSA) is pleased to announce a call for applications from individuals who would like to participate in a summer workshop series that seeks to explain cross national variations in challenges to old regimes during the early stages of the Arab Spring Movements. The first one-week workshop will be hosted by Birzeit University and the Palestinian American Research Center (PARC), from May 11-16, 2014, at the American Center for Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman. A follow-up workshop will be held at Lebanese American University in Beirut in September 2014. The organizers, with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, will cover all the costs of participation for up to 24 qualified applicants. The workshop will be conducted in English.

The deadline for applications is March 14, 2014. Program information and application instructions can be found online here.

The workshop is targeted at Ph.D. students and early career faculty. While the program primarily caters to political scientists, it is also open to scholars from any social science discipline undertaking research relevant to the workshop theme. By bringing together up to 20 scholars from the MENA region, as well as four advanced PhD students from US and European universities, the program aims to support political science research and teaching in the Arab Middle East and North Africa, and strengthen research networks linking US scholars with their colleagues overseas. The 2014 workshops will be the second series in APSA’s annual MENA Workshops program. The first MENA Workshop was held in February, 2014 at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.

The 2014 workshops will be led by Denise DeGarmo (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, USA), Lourdes Habash (Birzeit University, Palestine), Fred H. Lawson (Mills College, USA), and Ghada alMadbouh (Birzeit University/PARC, Palestine). Participants will explore the dynamics of regime change, using the case studies of the Arab Spring as a topical empirical basis for this exploration. The goal of this program is to engage participants in proposing innovative research questions and deploying non-standard methodologies to enhance their studies of the Arab Spring and its implications concerning regime change.

American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Ave, NW Washington, DC 20036-1206
Ph: (202) 483-2512
Fx: (202) 483-2657

Summer 2014 Israel and Palestine Internship Program

Students are invited to participate in George Mason University’s Summer 2014 Israel and Palestine Internship Program. Over 9 weeks, students participate in an intensive seminar on Israeli-Palestinian relations and spend two months working as full-time interns for either a Palestinian organization in the West Bank or an Israeli NGO in Israel. The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students and offers 9 undergraduate or 6 graduate credits in multiple disciplines.

Summer 2014 will be the 9th year since this unique program was founded. Dr. Yehuda Lukacs, Associate Provost for International Programs at George Mason University in the program’s director.

The internships are related to Conflict Resolution, Politics, Communication, Environmental Studies, Peace Studies, International Relations, Human Rights, Sociology/Anthropology, Economics, or Business and Finance in Israel and Palestine.

Students can view more about the program by visiting the link below:

Application deadline:

March 7, 2014

International Summer Academy for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Researchers

In the framework of the research program “Europe in the Middle East – the Middle East in Europe” (EUME) the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien, the Max Weber Stiftung – German Humanities Institutes Abroad, and the  École de Gouvernance et d’Économie in Rabat invite scholars from the fields of Comparative Literature, Cultural Anthropology, Middle East Studies, Political Science, History, Geography, Urban Studies and Sociology to apply for an international Summer Academy that will be convened from 25.8. – 5.9. 2014 at the École de Gouvernance et d’Économie (EGE) in Rabat on the theme


(Closing date: 31 March 2014)

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Call for Papers – McGill Journal of Middle East Studies (MJMES)

The McGill Journal of Middle East Studies (MJMES) is now accepting submissions for its 2013-2014 issue! The Journal is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in writing, submitting, and revising articles for an academic journal. If selected for publication, an author’s article will be printed in the Journal and distributed to various libraries and institutions around the world as well as on our website:

MJMES encourages undergraduates, recent graduates, graduate students, post-docs and professors all to contribute to the Journal. Papers must be written in in English, French, or Arabic, and abide by standards of academic  integrity regarding plagiarism and citation.

MJMES also accepting submissions of photo essays comprised of at least nine photographs and cover photos. Both papers and photo essays must be submitted by e-mail to by February 10, 2014. The journal is also currently accepting shorter contributions on a rolling basis for its blog:

To be eligible for publication, a student’s paper must be at least 10 pages in length, contain insightful and original research and/or analysis, significantly concern the modern Middle East, receive a grade of an A- or better. MJMES will also accept papers that have been written outside of a classroom context and are thus ungraded. Papers must be written in in English, French, or Arabic, and abide by standards of academic  integrity regarding plagiarism and citation.

If you have any further questions about the mission, content or requirements of the Journal, please do not hesitate to contact MJMES at the e-mail address mentioned. Past volumes may be viewed on the website in the Archives section.

Performing Human Rights: Creative Expression as a Means of Engagement

This is a call for participation in an innovative, performance-based project to raise awareness about human rights and earn independent study credit in Human Rights (Human Rights Institute)

Syrian actor, director and human rights activist (Visiting Professor in Dramatic Arts and the Human Rights Institute) will lead a dynamic, interactive independent study project to raise awareness about a human rights through performance in non-traditional venues. The project will take place over the Spring Semester 2014, including weekly meetings to contextualize and interpret a body of human rights documentation, develop a theatre production, and perform it in a variety of campus locales/venues.

The goal of the independent study project is to provide students with an opportunity to engage creatively to raise campus awareness on an international human rights issue that the group defines as important.

Content:  A group of 10-15 students will work on materials collected from different sources to develop a creative performance.  Participants will be encouraged to provide related materials, texts, photographs, paintings, musical themes (songs), video materials, web links, etc. relating to the subject.

Program: The first three months of the semester will be devoted to weekly meetings (time and frequency to be determined by the group) in which the program is developed. At the end of the semester,  participants will perform in a variety of venues across campus.

The group should be committed to the entire duration of the project and three credits of independent study in Human Rights (HRTS) will be earned by those who participate fully in the project.

For more information and guidelines on how to register for the Independent Study, please email Jeremy Pressman, Director, Middle East Studies.