Author: cmg02013

Israel Academic Travel Awards 2017

Deadline: April 3, 2017

Global Affairs, Judaic Studies, and Middle East Studies are pleased to announce a competition for travel awards for academic study in Israel in the summer of 2017. The deadline for application is April 3, 2017. The competition is open to UConn undergraduate and graduate students.  Awards of $1500 may be used to defray expenses such as airfare and registration costs. Awardees will submit a written summary of their travel experience by September 15, 2017.  Please go to for application details.
This program is not open to current seniors graduating in May 2017, or to incoming students. Summer is defined according to the UConn calendar (end of May through end of August).

Questions? Contact
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8/1/2017 deadline for Fulbright US Scholar Program Competition

The 2018-19 Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program competition is now open and accepting applications for awards in the Middle East and North Africa. We invite you to consider applying for a Fulbright U.S. Scholar award, and also invite you to encourage your colleagues to be a part of this important international experience. Below you’ll find some ways you can get involved.

  • Consider applying to teach or research– Explore the Catalog of Awards ( and contact us with any questions regarding specific opportunities. Highlights to the region include:

o   Oman: All Disciplines (8367-MU)

o   Jordan: All Disciplines (8358-JO)

o   Tunisia: All Disciplines (8372-TS)

o   Israel: Postdoctoral Fellowship (8357-IS)


  • Refer your U.S. colleagues to receive information about the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. IIE/CIES will contact all referrals, providing valuable information about the award offerings and application process. You can also list your colleagues’ primary discipline or preferred country, which will allow us to tailor our guidance.


Join us for an informational webinar on Wednesday, March 8 at 2:00 p.m. We’ll share an overview of opportunities throughout the Middle East and North Africa and offer a live Q&A.


Applicants must be U.S. citizens and the deadline for the 2018-19 competition is August 1, 2017. Please reach out with any questions or concerns; we’ll be glad to assist.

2/15/17 Call for Papers: Evolving Perspectives in the Middle East & North Africa

Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Graduate Student Symposium

University of Michigan

Abstract Due: February 15, 2017

The Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies at the University of Michigan invites abstract submissions of no more than 300 words for its 3rd annual Graduate Student Symposium, Evolving Perspectives in the Middle East and North Africa to be held April 3-4, 2017. Papers must address the modern Middle East or North Africa in some way and be the product of graduate research, either at the MA or PhD level.

Panels will be organized into themes based on accepted papers. Past panel topics have included Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, Arab and Persian Art, Women in the Middle East through Film and Pop-Culture, and Education and Knowledge Production in the Middle East and North Africa.

Papers may focus on issues including but not limited to: (1) country-specific considerations, (2) gender and society, (3) visual or material culture, (4) postcolonial studies, and (5) literature.

Abstracts, along with a short CV, should be sent to the organizing committee at by February 15, 2017.

Final decisions will be announced via email by February 25, 2017.